The Parish Church of
Saint Mary and All Saints, Whalley
Warm, welcoming congregation which meet in a fantastically beautiful mediaeval building

Our Church is situated in the heart in rural Lancashire in the village of Whalley in the beautiful setting of the Ribble Valley. Both the Church and its building have a long history of Christian worship.
Regular Church Service Times
8.30 am Prayer Book Communion
10.00 am Holy Communion or Service of the Word
Every Wednesday at 10.00 am Mid-week Holy Communion Service
First Sunday Monthly at 4.00 pm Evensong (winter time)
Through worship and service, we aim to use our Christian heritage and church to proclaim the love of God
We provide:
Large print service books for most services
An Inductive Loop for use with hearing aids
A wheelchair ramp for access to the Chancel (on request)
Toilet facilities for the disabled
Our Safeguarding Policy
Click here to see our Policy